
Source code for torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.api

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates
from typing import Dict, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.distributed._tensor.random as random
from torch.distributed._tensor import (
from torch.distributed._tensor.random import (
from torch.distributed._tensor.sharding_prop import _CachingPropagator
from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel._utils import _create_1d_device_mesh
from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.multihead_attention_tp import (
from import (

__all__ = [

# switch the DTensor propagator to use the caching propagator to speed up
# the TP eager execution time.
DTensor._propagator = _CachingPropagator(DTensor._propagator)

[docs]def parallelize_module( # type: ignore[return] module: nn.Module, device_mesh: DeviceMesh, parallelize_plan: Union[ParallelStyle, Dict[str, ParallelStyle]], tp_mesh_dim: int = 0, ) -> nn.Module: """ The API to apply Tensor Parallelism (TP) in PyTorch. We parallelize module or sub_modules based on a parallelize_plan. The parallelize_plan contains :class:`ParallelStyle`, which indicates how user wants the module or sub_module to be parallelized. User can also specify different parallel style per module fully qualified name (FQN). The API supports 2D parallelism natively by accepting an n-dimension device_mesh and users just need to specify the dimension where we perform tensor parallelism on. Args: module (:class:`nn.Module`): Module to be parallelized. device_mesh (:class:`DeviceMesh`): Object which describes the mesh topology of devices for the DTensor. parallelize_plan (Union[:class:`ParallelStyle`, Dict[str, :class:`ParallelStyle`]]): The plan used to parallelize the module. It can be either a :class:`ParallelStyle` object which contains how we prepare input/output for Tensor Parallelism or it can be a dict of module FQN and its corresponding :class:`ParallelStyle` object. tp_mesh_dim (int): The dimension of ``device_mesh`` where we perform Tensor Parallelism on. Return: A :class:`nn.Module` object parallelized. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("distributed") >>> from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import parallelize_module, PairwiseParallel >>> >>> # Define the module. >>> m = Model(...) >>> m = parallelize_module(m, PairwiseParallel()) >>> .. warning:: ``PairwiseParallel`` comes with constraints for now. If you need finer granularity, you need to pass in a dict of module FQN and parallel style instead. """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once("torch.distributed.tensor.parallel.parallelize_module") # instantiate a TP RNG state tracker if it's not there if ( is_rng_supported_mesh(device_mesh) and not isinstance(random._rng_tracker, TensorParallelRNGTracker) ): random._rng_tracker = TensorParallelRNGTracker() # TODO: we should allow user to pass in the default seed from a config random._rng_tracker._manual_seed(device_mesh, base_seed=1234, tp_dim=tp_mesh_dim) # By default we execute random ops in non-tensor-parallel region. If users want # to execute in tensor-parallel region, they can manually set this field to True # after parallelizing the model. random._rng_tracker.distribute_region_enabled = False if device_mesh.ndim > 1: device_mesh = _create_1d_device_mesh(device_mesh, tp_mesh_dim) if isinstance(parallelize_plan, ParallelStyle): # RowwiseParallel or ColwiseParallel if isinstance(parallelize_plan, (ColwiseParallel, RowwiseParallel)): return _parallelize_linear(module, device_mesh, parallelize_plan) # PairwiseParallel if _is_mha_for_pairwise_parallel(module): return _parallelize_multihead_attn(module, device_mesh) elif _is_mlp_for_pairwise_parallel(module): return _parallelize_mlp(module, device_mesh, parallelize_plan) else: for n, m in module.named_children(): module.register_module( n, parallelize_module(m, device_mesh, parallelize_plan) ) return module elif isinstance(parallelize_plan, dict): for module_path, parallelize_style in parallelize_plan.items(): sub_module = module.get_submodule(module_path) parent_module = module if "." in module_path: parent_module_path = ".".join(module_path.split(".")[:-1]) parent_module = module.get_submodule(parent_module_path) module_path = module_path.split(".")[-1] parent_module.register_module( # type: ignore[call-arg] # pyre-ignore[20] module_path, parallelize_module( # type: ignore[arg-type] sub_module, device_mesh, parallelize_style # type: ignore[arg-type] # pyre-ignore[6] ), ) return module else: raise RuntimeError( # pyre-ignore[7] "Expect Union[ParallelStyle, Dict[str, ParallelStyle]] for" f" parallelize_plan, {type(parallelize_plan)} found!" )
def _is_mha_for_pairwise_parallel(module: nn.Module) -> bool: """ Check whether the mha module is the one can be handled for Pairwise parallel. Args: module (:class:`nn.Module`): Module to be checked. Return: A boolean object which specifies whether the module is MHA supported by Pairwise parallel or not. """ return isinstance(module, (TensorParallelMultiheadAttention, nn.MultiheadAttention)) def _is_mlp_for_pairwise_parallel(module: nn.Module) -> bool: """ Traverse through all the immediate children of the given module and count the number of Linear module. If the number is more than one, we return True. Args: module (:class:`nn.Module`): Module to be traversed and counted. Return: A bool which specifies whether the module is MLP supported or not. .. warning:: The traversal is not recursive for now. """ linear_submodules = list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, nn.Linear), module.children()) ) return len(linear_submodules) > 1 def _rowwise_parallelize_linear_fn( name: str, module: nn.Module, device_mesh: DeviceMesh, ) -> None: """ This function parallelizes the input :class:`nn.Linear` module in :class:`RowwiseParallel` style. Args: name (str): Name of the input module. module (:class:`nn.Module`): The :class:`nn.Linear` module to be parallelized. device_mesh (:class:`DeviceMesh`): Object which describes the mesh topology of devices. Returns: None """ for name, param in module.named_parameters(): dist_spec = ( [Shard(1)] if name == "weight" else [Replicate()] # type: ignore[list-item] ) dist_param = torch.nn.Parameter( distribute_tensor(param, device_mesh, dist_spec) ) module.register_parameter(name, dist_param) def _colwise_parallelize_linear_fn( name: str, module: nn.Module, device_mesh: DeviceMesh, ) -> None: """ This function parallelizes the input :class:`nn.Linear` module in :class:`ColwiseParallel` style. Args: name (str): Name of the input module. module (:class:`nn.Module`): The :class:`nn.Linear` module to be parallelized. device_mesh (:class:`DeviceMesh`): Object which describes the mesh topology of devices. Returns: None """ for name, param in module.named_parameters(): dist_param = torch.nn.Parameter( distribute_tensor(param, device_mesh, [Shard(0)]) ) module.register_parameter(name, dist_param) def _parallelize_linear( module: nn.Module, device_mesh: DeviceMesh, parallel_style: ParallelStyle = ColwiseParallel(), tp_mesh_dim: int = 0, ) -> nn.Module: """ This function requires that the input module be an object of :class:`nn.Linear`. The module will be parallelized over a 1-d :class:`DeviceMesh` based on the :class:`ParallelStyle`. Args: module (:class:`nn.Module`): The module to be parallelized. device_mesh (:class:`DeviceMesh`): Object which describes the mesh topology of devices for the :class:`DTensor`. If the mesh is more than 1-dimensional, we will use the mesh dim of `device_mesh` specified by `tp_mesh_dim`. parallel_style (:class:`ParallelStyle`, optional): The object which describes how the :class:`nn.Linear` module should be distributed over :class:`DeviceMesh` and how the input and output should be prepared for Tensor Parallelism. :class:`RowwiseStyle`: weight is sharded on dim 1 and bias is replicate. :class:`ColwiseStyle`: weight and bias are both sharded on dim 0. Default: :class:`ColwiseParallel` tp_mesh_dim (int): The dimension of :class:`DeviceMesh` on which we perform Tensor Parallelism. Default: 0 Return: A :class:`nn.Module` object parallelized. """ if not isinstance(module, nn.Linear): raise RuntimeError( f"Expect a torch.nn.Linear module but received {type(module)}!" ) if not isinstance(parallel_style, ParallelStyle): raise RuntimeError( "Expect a ParallelStyle object but received" f" {type(parallel_style)}!" ) if device_mesh.ndim > 1: device_mesh = _create_1d_device_mesh(device_mesh, tp_mesh_dim) if isinstance(parallel_style, (RowwiseParallel)): distribute_module( module, device_mesh, _rowwise_parallelize_linear_fn, input_fn=parallel_style._prepare_input, # type: ignore[arg-type, misc] # pyre-ignore[6] output_fn=parallel_style._prepare_output, # type: ignore[arg-type, misc] # pyre-ignore[6] ) elif isinstance(parallel_style, (ColwiseParallel)): distribute_module( module, device_mesh, _colwise_parallelize_linear_fn, input_fn=parallel_style._prepare_input, # type: ignore[arg-type, misc] # pyre-ignore[6] output_fn=parallel_style._prepare_output, # type: ignore[arg-type, misc] # pyre-ignore[6] ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"{type(parallel_style)} is not supported!") return module def _parallelize_multihead_attn( module: nn.Module, device_mesh: DeviceMesh, parallel_style: ParallelStyle = PairwiseParallel(), tp_mesh_dim: int = 0, ) -> nn.Module: """ This function assumes the input module is a sequence of nn.Linear and we parallelize the module based on the given parallel style. We don't change the FQN of each sub-module and replace each parameter in place. Args: module (:class:`nn.Module`): Module to be parallelized. device_mesh (:class:`DeviceMesh`): Object which describes the mesh topology of devices. parallel_style (:class:`ParallelStyle`): Object which contains how we prepare input/output for Tensor Parallelism. tp_mesh_dim (int): The dimension of `device_mesh` where we perform Tensor Parallelism on. Return: A :class:`nn.Module` object parallelized. .. warning:: We only support ``PairwiseParallel`` right now. """ if not isinstance(parallel_style, PairwiseParallel): raise NotImplementedError( "Only support PairwiseParallel for Multihead Attention" " parallelization." ) if device_mesh.ndim > 1: device_mesh = _create_1d_device_mesh(device_mesh, tp_mesh_dim) if isinstance(module, nn.MultiheadAttention): tp_multi_head_attention = TensorParallelMultiheadAttention( module.embed_dim, module.num_heads, device=torch.device(device_mesh.device_type), tp_size=device_mesh.size(tp_mesh_dim), add_bias_kv=module.bias_k is not None, ) tp_multi_head_attention.copy(module) module = tp_multi_head_attention assert isinstance(module, TensorParallelMultiheadAttention), ( f"Expects TensorParallelMultiheadAttention but got {type(module)}" ) # shard TPMA for n, m in module.named_children(): if n == "qkv": # Col-wise Parallelize the qkv layer. distribute_module( m, device_mesh, _colwise_parallelize_linear_fn, input_fn=parallel_style._prepare_input, # type: ignore[arg-type, misc] # pyre-ignore[6] ) elif n == "proj": # Row-wise Parallelize the proj layer distribute_module( m, device_mesh, _rowwise_parallelize_linear_fn, output_fn=parallel_style._prepare_output, # type: ignore[arg-type, misc] # pyre-ignore[6] ) return module def _parallelize_mlp( module: nn.Module, device_mesh: DeviceMesh, parallel_style: ParallelStyle = PairwiseParallel(), tp_mesh_dim: int = 0, ) -> nn.Module: """ This function assumes the input module is a sequence of nn.Linear and we parallelize the module based on the given parallel style. We don't change the FQN of each sub-module and replace each parameter in place. Args: module (:class:`nn.Module`): Module to be parallelized. device_mesh (:class:`DeviceMesh`): Object which describes the mesh topology of devices. parallel_style (:class:`ParallelStyle`): Object which contains how we prepare input/output for Tensor Parallelism. tp_mesh_dim (int): The dimension of `device_mesh` where we perform Tensor Parallelism on. Return: A :class:`nn.Module` object parallelized. .. warning:: We only support ``PairwiseParallel`` right now. """ if not isinstance(parallel_style, PairwiseParallel): raise NotImplementedError( "Only support PairwiseParallel for MLP parallelization." ) if not _is_mlp_for_pairwise_parallel(module): raise RuntimeError("More than one nn.Linear needed for a MLP.") if device_mesh.ndim > 1: device_mesh = _create_1d_device_mesh(device_mesh, tp_mesh_dim) linear_submodules = list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, nn.Linear), module.children()) ) mlp_last_even_layer = (len(linear_submodules) // 2) * 2 for i in range(mlp_last_even_layer): m = linear_submodules[i] if i % 2 == 0: # Col-wise Parallelize the linear layer distribute_module( m, device_mesh, _colwise_parallelize_linear_fn, input_fn=parallel_style._prepare_input # type: ignore[arg-type, misc] # pyre-ignore[6] if i == 0 else None, ) else: # Row-wise Parallelize the linear layer distribute_module( m, device_mesh, _rowwise_parallelize_linear_fn, output_fn=parallel_style._prepare_output # type: ignore[arg-type, misc] # pyre-ignore[6] if i == (mlp_last_even_layer - 1) else None, ) return module


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